Covid-19 and FIEC

As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop and place limitations on meeting together, FIEC churches around the country are making arrangements to keep their church communities functioning at a time when looking out for each other and caring for the vulnerable and sick is so important. Many churches are now streaming their Sunday gatherings - look for details on each church’s website - and are running small groups over video. FIEC churches will continue to listen to advice from the Government and respond accordingly. We are praying for our nation, not only that this crisis may pass soon, but more so, that people will know Jesus and the hope he brings to all aspects of life - even in sickness and death.

Our partner organisations, Geneva Push and Reach Australia have put together a set of resources for churches as they respond to Covid-19. You can find them here:

Geneva Push

Reach Australia

The resources are the same on both sites.