
STEP Bible -
Compare English and Greek texts in a simple and free interface.

Biblical Theology - for your church

Vaughan Roberts has created a free course to teach biblical theology based on his book, ‘God’s Big Picture’.


An introduction to preaching

Mike Raiter has produced a course on the basics of expository preaching - a useful tool for young preachers.


Reformation and Modern Church History

A helpful introduction to the Reformation and modern church history by David Calhoun from Covenant Seminary in St Louis USA (all their online courses are free - though you will need to register. No responsibility is taken for content of the other courses, but the church history course is good.

Graphic Design - create an account and apply for a not-for-profit account to access the premium content for free - a great resource for free photos - free images to use for any purpose

Online Tools - TinyWow provides free online conversion, pdf, and other handy tools to help you solve problems of all types. All files, both processed and unprocessed, are deleted after 15 minutes