We are a fellowship of independent evangelical churches in Australia. What does this mean? It means we are committed to growing followers of Jesus in every corner of our country. Our goal is to plant new churches and grow existing churches that reach ordinary people with the extraordinary message of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God continues to speak to us today through his breathed-out word in the Bible. We believe that Jesus is central to all God's plans and purposes for this world. We believe that our greatest hope is not to be found in economic security, advances in science, political stability, or access to good education. As important as these things are, we are persuaded that real hope for our world, humanity, and each of us as individuals, is only to be found in a real relationship with the Creator and Redeemer, our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We share a vision for reaching Australia with the gospel of Jesus through planting and building healthy evangelical churches. We can pool resources, encourage one another in our shared vision, share our joys, and carry one another’s burdens. We can seek to build one another through teaching from God’s word at conferences and courses, and commit to regular prayer for our members.
Each church is self-governed, with its own constitution, leaders, and ways of doing things. We are independent, but you could probably call us all little ‘i’ independents!
Ours is a fellowship that is shaped by firm beliefs. We are persuaded that true Christianity is evangelical in its very essence. That is, people are reconciled into relationship with God, and churches are created and grow, through the work of God’s ‘evangel’ - the good news that Jesus Christ was crucified for the forgiveness of sins and was raised physically from the dead to rule over God’s world. We learn this good news from the Bible - not people’s best ideas about God, but God’s specific revelation of himself.
We are a fellowship of churches - evangelically persuaded and independently governed churches. We don’t view FIEC as ‘our church’, ‘the church’, or even ‘a church’. Rather, we are a network comprised of many churches who voluntarily take steps to fellowship with one another in various ways. It is impractical for all of our churches to meet together - we are scattered across this vast country. However, we seek to gather members of each of our churches together at different events during the year so as to encourage personal and practical fellowship. The representatives of each church - usually the senior pastors - meet together at formal meetings of the FIEC to review, plan, and pray for our fellowship.
You can find FIEC churches scattered across this land and our prayer is that God will raise up many more.